Two new sites

This year (2008) I joined studiocom team delivering 2 sites for McCormick. It is really awesome when you finally see those things go-Live.

If you want to take a look:

McCormick Web Site.

McCormick Corporate Web Site.

we use SiteCore CMS 5.3, and 6.0., build on .Net Framework 3.0 and Visual Studio 2008 , but even better I meet an amazing team in the process:

Alejandro Cadavid

Alexis Ilnicki

Andres Ardila

Alpesh Dhameliya

Ashley Sprowl

Camilo Cortes

Carlos Pelaez

David McAlister

David Preiss

Dev Kumar

Devra Jones

Diego Pineda

Eddy Milfort

Emily Rickerson Bove

Henri Bui

Jackie Dane

Jairo Celis

Joe Ayotte

Juan Carlos Pelaez (ME)

Juan Fernando Santos

Julian Orjuela

Keith Oh

Kelly Burk

Kim Colter

Kris Cargile

Kristie Stoeckel

Lara Becker

Mauricio Talero

Matt Roth

Mehmet Uzer

Mike Creati

Mohammed N. Mohammed

Nancy Edge

Nicholas Mutis

The Whole OSG McCormick team

Olga Cardenas

Rajit Gulati

Renso Vargas

Richard Wells

Ruchi Agarwal

Ryan Fuquea

Sandra Merino

Ted Duncan

Tito Milla

Timothy Kohler

Virgil Olteanu

Vivian Lowe

Juan Pelaez.

Software Architect.

Keywords: SiteCore, studiocom, Juan Pelaez Resume

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